St. Mark's Cathedral

ST. MArk's
Welcomes you

“Let all guests who arrive be received like Christ.”
The Rule of St. Benedict



We are the Episcopal branch of the Christian faith.

We believe that God’s love extends to all people.

As an open and inclusive community, our mission is to become the shape God’s love takes in the world by reaching out to the last, the least, the lost, and the left behind. 

Worship With Us

At St. Mark’s we offer a variety of worship services, groups and classes for people of all ages, both on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. See below for a detailed schedule of offerings. All are welcome, come as you are!














Stay in the Loop

Our calendar is a great ways to keep up-to-date on everything happening at St. Marks. In addition to all the ongoing weekly classes and services, our calendar includes other one-time events like feast days and holidays, retreats, concerts, forums and more! If an ongoing weekly event is cancelled for any reason this will also be reflected in the calendar.

Our email newsletter is another great way to stay in touch, with weekly news, announcements, and info on upcoming classes and events.


Powered by
the Sun

The Cathedral Church of St. Mark generates its own clean, renewable power thanks to a funding award from Rocky Mountain Power’s Blue Sky program participants and the estate of Meredith Simmons. This money supported the installation of a solar energy generation plant with three rooftop panel arrays at the Cathedral. The plant began generating power in early March of 2021. Click here to learn more about solar at St. Marks.